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17/05/2022 | Fonte: SONHO SEGURO

Dyogo Oliveira predicts continued expansion of the insurance sector in the coming years

 CNseg The new director-president of the National Confederation of Insurance Companies – CNseg, Dyogo Oliveira, stated that the insurance sector is among the accredited activities to grow continuously in the coming years, in view of the profound changes that result in the increasing use of new technologies. , innovative products, more flexible and less onerous regulatory rules. This year, in the midst of a scenario of uncertainties, the sector’s collection should grow at double digits, oscillating between 13% and 15%.

Dyogo Oliveira’s statements were made during the live “The new administration of CNseg”, broadcast by Apólice TV, Apólice Magazine’s YouTube channel, this Tuesday, 10th. The new projected expansion will be enough for the insurance sector to increase its participation in proportion to GDP, today close to 6.5%. About open insurance, Dyogo Oliveira stated that the project needs adjustments in terms of implementation deadlines and in relation to products that must have open data, in order to achieve its objectives, such as increasing the competition of companies and the level of protection of the most varied ranges of audiences. “We depend on small adjustments, which are not procrastinating, but necessary to achieve the intended objectives and avoid unnecessary expenses”, pointed out Oliveira. Investments in the structuring of open insurance, considering a universe of 65 participating companies, should total around R$ 650 million, according to the estimates of the CEO of CNseg. One of the historic challenges of the insurance market, that of having its real importance recognized by the government and society, is already a cause embraced by the new director of CNseg. “We are already a relevant sector, but the perception of our greatness is still very small, whether in the government or in society as a whole. We account for a share of 6.5% of GDP and hold around 25% of public debt on the market”, he pointed out. To reinforce the idea of ​​the importance of the sector that goes unnoticed, Dyogo highlighted other numbers that make people and their businesses more resilient. In Supplementary Health, expenses paid by operators exceeded R$ 200 billion last year, almost double the budget of the Ministry of Health in the pre-pandemic phase. In the automobile portfolio, indemnities totaled R$ 22 billion, enough to purchase 380,000 popular vehicles, that is, 20% of national production.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, insurers have voluntarily paid almost R$ 7 billion for deaths resulting from Covid. The president of CNseg informed that he will intensify the dialogue with the government, market supervision bodies and society as a whole, improving institutional communication, in order to ratify that the insurance sector is strategic for the development of the country and vital to reduce the vulnerabilities of people and companies in the face of risks, and as a result, it should be an activity fostered to feed back its own economic growth, whether by taking risks of different natures, or as an institutional investor. According to Dyogo Oliveira, a higher level dialogue plans to establish “a win-win relationship for everyone” – society, government and the insurance market.


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