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21/09/2023 | Fonte: REVISTA APÓLICE

Pix Coverage: Service offers financial security for people

Generali specialist comments on the main coverage of the product, which covers situations of theft, theft with evidence or under duress in unauthorized money transfers
Transactions carried out via Pix have become common in everyday life. To provide more security to people in their movements and avoid possible fraud, “Pix Insurance” is a good alternative offered by insurance companies.

In this context, Generali comments that the insurance for electronic transactions “Pix” is a complete product, which covers situations of theft, evident theft or under duress in unauthorized money transfers.

“Risk situations can happen at any time, especially with the ease of having bank account applications on your cell phone. With this in mind, we developed a product that gives customers more security”, explains Claudia Lopes, Commercial & Marketing director at the insurance company.

An important advantage of insurance is that it can be included in other contracts, such as, for example, Bolsa Protegida Insurance, Card Loss and Theft Insurance.

The most attractive thing about Seguro Pix is ​​its monthly price: prices start from R$9.99. “You can choose the product that best meets your needs, both in terms of coverage and prices. And the insured also competes in monthly or weekly draws through the Federal Lottery”, adds Claudia.

Popularization of instant payments

Since the launch of Pix, instant payments have become popular in the country. ACI WorldWide survey shows that Brazil is the second with the highest number of real-time transactions in the world. In 2022, there were more than 29 billion transactions of this type in the country, around 15% of the total in the world.

According to Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks), this type of attack more than doubled, growing 165%, between the second half of 2020 and the first of 2021.

Claudia believes that, in addition to good information and attention to avoid falling for scams, Seguro Pix or similar products, such as Bolsa Protegida, can help consumers in their daily lives. “This is because, unfortunately, robberies and thefts have also become common, especially in large urban centers. When you have insurance, you have peace of mind knowing that you will be compensated in these cases”, concludes the executive.

Revista Apólice


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